Watch the “Lord’s Day Live!” and “The Joy of Doodling” videos then copy the following “Doodle Bible School,” “Application Sermon Questions,” and take a photo of your drawing for “The Joy of Doodling” class. Click the “Submit Answers” button below each set of questions and paste the questions into the email. Answer the questions and send them to us. Read “Why Your Family Needs to the Know the Biblical Timeline… ” then follow the same instructions to submit the “Biblical Timeline Questions.”

Doodle Bible School

Lesson 33

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What is the theme of Exodus 33?

2. Can you doodle the picture clue?

3. If Moses did not see God’s face, what did he see? (33:23)

4. Can you quote the memory verse? 

5. What did Moses ask to see? (33:18)

6. What did God say Moses could not see? (33:20)

7. What did God say would happen if a man saw His face? (33:20)

8. Where did God say He would place Moses as He passed by? (33:22)

9.What did God use to cover Moses as He passed by? (33:22)

10. Have you ever had someone cover your eyes with their hand, or cover you against the cold? How did it make you feel? Have you ever had a time when it felt like God was covering you with His hand? Explain.

Application Sermon Questions

Lesson 33

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. Where did Moses pitch the tent of meeting? (Exodus 33:7) 

2. In what intimate way did God speak to Moses? (Exodus 33:11)

3. What was it specifically that Moses wanted to see about the nature of God? (Exodus 33:18)

4. What part of God did Moses see? (Exodus 33:23)

5. What special view will we have in the eternity to come? (Revelation 22:4)

For additional ways to capitalize on the information in the chapter above, click the link below.

Home Church Worship Guide – Exodus 33

The Joy of Doodling Assignment

After following along with the video lesson and completing your drawing, please take a photo and use the link below to send it to us. You can also take a photo of your children, grandchildren, or Bible class group with their drawings and send it to us.

Reading Assignment
Lesson 1

For this semester of the Restoration School of Biblical Studies (16 weeks), Gabriel (my youngest son) and I will be working in tandem on connecting the Old Testament to the New Testament and discussing why it is important for us to understand the reason behind it all. Gabriel will be presenting the Joy of Doodling on the biblical timeline and I will be writing an article and five questions each week to help us make the connection for ourselves and our families.

Have you ever read through all or part of the Old Testament and wondered why it was included with the New Testament? Have you asked yourself how they are related, other than God created the world (Genesis), is mentioned throughout the rest of the Bible, and He will end this world, as we know it, and bring about a new heaven and new earth (Revelation)? 

I remember being taught that the Old Testament was written for our learning: “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Romans 15:4 (KJV) That is obviously true, but what are we meant to learn? As children, we are taught all the major Bible stories – Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah’s Ark, Abraham, Joseph, David and Goliath, Esther, a few stories from Judges and the prophets, such as Jonah, Jesus’ birth, baptism, miracles, death and resurrection, 12 Apostles, Paul’s missionary journies, and the list goes on – which are all beneficial to our learning, but I believe the Old and New Testaments are intertwined with much more than just lots of stories about random people who believed and followed God. 

As a child, I never asked if these stories were true. I just had no doubt that they were. I never tried to figure out why they were in the Bible. I just knew they were there. I learned about right and wrong, love and hate, obeying or disobeying God, and that Jesus came to die on the cross to save us from our sins. After becoming a Christian, I learned more about being like Christ and following in His footsteps. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I started asking the questions I mentioned above and many more. I also discovered the reason why it’s important to learn biblical events in order – from beginning to end. It is my honor to share this journey with you and I pray that you will be able to share it with your family and friends. It is a lifelong pursuit that leads to eternity. 

Here is the beginning of our study:

To help us understand the Bible a little better, we see that it has been put together in a certain order. The Old Testament is basically in chronological order and is divided into 5 parts: Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets. Even with these divisions, they all are a part of history. For example, the first five books are considered Law, but they contain a lot of historical facts. The books of Poetry were written during the times of the kings which are a part of the History division. The Major Prophets contain prophesies during the times of the kings and Minor Prophets during the times of some of the kings or after the exile of the Israelites. These are all a part of biblical history. So, all of the books after Esther are connected to the divisions of Law and History. 

The New Testament is divided into Gospels, History, Pauline Epistles (Letters), General Epistles (Letters) and Prophecy. It is similar to the Old Testament in that the Letters connect to the historical events from Matthew through Acts (Gospels and History). As you can already see, all of the Old Testament works together to give us history from creation to the silent years preceding the coming of Jesus, and all of the New Testament works together to give us history from the birth of Christ to the prophetic revelation that describes His return. 


The reason this study is important to you as a homemaker is because the assignment that God gives you within the home demands a healthy, organized understanding of His manual of instructions for life. As we focus in on major areas of this timeline, I hope you will be empowered to lead your children toward an organized understanding of this great adventure we call humanity.

I am really excited to share this material with you, because I remember the day that the Bible timeline came together in my mind. I was inspired by the power of God and the way that He has recorded His story in such an orderly way. It is amazing to think that He has shared so much of Himself with us from the very beginning of time!

Biblical Timeline Questions

Lesson 1

1. What Scripture was used to show that the Old Testament was written for our learning?

2. Name one Bible story that you remember learning as a child. What lesson did you learn from it?

3. The Old Testament is basically in chronological order and is divided into how many parts?

4. The New Testament is divided into what five parts?

5. Why is this study important as a homemaker?