Watch the “Lord’s Day Live!” video then copy the following “Doodle Bible School” and “Application Sermon Questions,” click the “Submit Answers” button below each set of questions and paste the questions into the email. Answer the questions and send them to us. 

After completing the set of daily “Family Worship Guides,” please write and submit a brief paragraph explaining the highlights of what the family learned from the week’s study.

Doodle Bible School

Lesson 5

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What is the theme of Exodus 5?

2. Can you doodle the picture clue?

3. What was it that the people were no longer given to make bricks? (5:7)

4. Can you quote the memory verse? 

5. What did God’s people want to do in the wilderness? (5:1)

6. Not only did this Egyptian king not know Joseph, Who else did he not know? (5:2)

7. What Moses say might happen if they were not free to go into the wilderness? (5:3)

8. Pharaoh reduced their workload by how many bricks? (5:8)

9. What did Pharaoh say about the people’s words? (5:9)

10. How do you know if someone is really tired, or they are just being lazy and making excuses?

Application Sermon Questions

Lesson 5

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What did Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites do? (Exodus 5:1)

2. In the first point of this lesson, we learned that the world would make us feel like our faith was what?

3. What reason did Pharaoh give for requiring the same amount of bricks as before? (Exodus 5:8)

4. In the second point of this lesson, we learned that the world would make us feel like our faith was what?

5. In the third point of this lesson, we learned that the world would make us feel like our faith was what?

Family Worship Guides

Exodus 5

Sunday – Step 1

Refocused Submission (Patterned after 1 Corinthians 11:17-22)

  • Begin by discussing the various areas of Christ’s life that He surrendered to do the will of the Father and relate them to the areas of surrender we must develop.

Sunday – Step 2

Inspired Instruction (Patterned after 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

  • Read the chapter. (Suggestion: Involve everyone. Take turns reading.)
  • Ask each person to memorize the chapter theme by using the picture clue provided. (Suggestion: It is often helpful to have participants draw the picture clue.)
  • Discuss other possible themes for the chapter. (Suggestion: Develop picture clues to go along with the other chapter themes.)

Sunday – Step 3

Convicted Application (Patterned after 1 Corinthians 11:27-32)

  • Ask each person to quote a favorite Bible verse and explain what it means to them. 
  • Explain the significance of the body and blood of Jesus being offered on the cross and have someone lead a prayer thanking God for the sacrifice of His Son.
  • Pass out the unleavened bread and ask each person to take a moment of silence to examine themselves and meditate on the sacrificed body of Jesus. Do the same for the grape juice.
  • If there is a current need in the church or community, participants can be encouraged to pool their money to help.
  • Ask each person to explain how this Bible study impacted their life and tell of a way they plan to live it out in the coming week.


  • Make a prayer list. Be sure to include time for offering confessions of spiritual weakness.
  • Make a list of spiritual victories.
  • Provide copies of the daily devotionals so everyone can continue their study of the chapter throughout the week.
  • Offer a final prayer.

Memory Passage of the Week

Exodus 5:7 (ESV) 
“You shall no longer give the people straw 
to make bricks, as in the past; 
let them go and gather straw for themselves.

Monday – Step 1 – Read the memory passage aloud, then repeat it phrase by phrase as the family says it with you. Note: For very young members of the family, you might give them a single phrase and let them “own” it each time the passage is repeated. Step 2 – Discuss this question – Why would Pharaoh not trust the people to go into the desert and worship? (5:1-9) Step 3 – Have prayer time.

Tuesday – Step 1 – Read the memory passage aloud, then repeat it phrase by phrase as the family says it with you. Step 2 – Discuss this question – How would you respond if you were required to maintain the same level of output even though your work was made harder? (5:6-9)Step 3 – Have prayer time.

Wednesday – Step 1 – Read the memory passage aloud, then repeat it phrase by phrase as the family says it with you. Step 2 – Discuss this question – What was the difference between the taskmasters and the foremen? (5:14) Step 3 – Have prayer time.

Thursday – Step 1 – Read the memory passage aloud, then repeat it phrase by phrase as the family says it with you. Step 2 – Discuss this question – How would you feel if you had been Moses or Aaron? (5:19-21) Step 3 – Have prayer time.

Friday – Step 1 – Read the memory passage aloud, then repeat it phrase by phrase as the family says it with you. Step 2 – Discuss this question – Was is right of Moses to say this to God? (5:22-23) Step 3 – Have prayer time.

Saturday – Take volunteers to see if anyone can quote the passage from memory. Create a plan to put the applications from this chapter into practice within your family life. Discuss the importance of the Lord’s Day and why it gives honor to God when we get extra rest on Saturday night. Have prayer time.