Watch the “Lord’s Day Live!” video then copy the following “Doodle Bible School” and “Application Sermon Questions,” click the “Submit Answers” button below each set of questions and paste the questions into the email. Answer the questions and send them to us. Do the “Make It Real Assignment” for the Reading Assignment.
Doodle Bible School
Lesson 6
Were you able to watch the entire lesson?
1. What is the theme of Exodus 6?
2. Can you doodle the picture clue?
3. What were the names of Moses’ parents? (6:20)
4. Can you quote the memory verse?
5. What is the name which means God Almighty? (6:3)
6. What did God say He would do to redeem His people from Egypt? (6:6)
7. To whom did God swear He would give the promised land? (6:8)
8. Why did the people not listen to Moses? (6:9)
9. Moses said the people would not listen to him because he had what kind to lips? (6:12)
10. What is the key to overcoming discouragement?
Application Sermon Questions
Lesson 6
Were you able to watch the entire lesson?
1. What name of God corresponds to the phrase “God Almighty”? (Exodus 6:3)
2. To what 3 Patriarchs did God not reveal Himself with that name? (Exodus 6:3)
3. What was the first point of this lesson? (Exodus 6:3, 7)
4. What was the second point of this lesson? (Exodus 6:6)
5. What was the third point of this lesson? (Exodus 6:8)
For additional ways to capitalize on the information in the chapter above, click the link below.
Home Church Worship Guide – Exodus 6
Reading Assignment
Homemaking is the Career
Within the following reading assignments, you will find a phrase-by-phrase study of the most famous homemaker in all of history – the Virtuous Woman from Proverbs 31. As Cindy and I took another, more detailed look at this important passage, we documented our thoughts and now we offer them to you for consideration. It is our prayer that you will find this study to be both enlightening and inspirational. We truly believe that the full-time homemaker is the best and most expedient way to draw the American family out of the flames of self-destruction and back onto the path of God’s design.
In order for a woman to be an effective homemaker, she must have ingenuity and initiative. She must also see herself as the hero of that old adage, “The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.”
The role of homemaker is not a side job, it is primary. It IS the career. Thank you for joining us on this biblical adventure!
The Holy, Happy Homemaker #1
Let’s start at the end. By looking at the climax of this passage, we can gain a better understanding of why it was written.
Proverbs 31:28-30 (NKJV) “Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing … But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”
At first, we were simply going to call this series, “The Holy Homemaker.” However, after reading through the passage and seeing that awesome conclusion, the word “Happy” was added to the title. Clearly, the work of a homemaker is both a holy endeavor and a happy career.
Conclusion: The role of homemaker is essential for women. By it, the blessing of God is established over her home (Holy) and because of it her husband and children “rise up and call her blessed” (Happy).
Make It Real Assignment: Begin a list of homemaker qualities. Post this list in a place that you will see regularly in order to remind you of your holy, happy challenge to make homemaking a top priority in life. The first words on your list should be, “I have purpose!”