Watch the “Lord’s Day Live!” video then copy the following “Doodle Bible School” and “Application Sermon Questions,” click the “Submit Answers” button below each set of questions and paste the questions into the email. Answer the questions and send them to us. Do the “Make It Real Assignment” for the Reading Assignment.

Doodle Bible School

Lesson 7

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What is the theme of Exodus 7?

2. Can you doodle the picture clue?

3. What was used to turn the water into blood? (7:17)

4. Can you quote the memory verse? 

5. Who was told to stretch out his staff to curse the waters of Egypt? (7:19)

6. The water was even turned to blood inside what two kinds of vessels? (7:19)

7. The cursed water extended how far? (7:21)

8. Who was able to duplicate this curse? (7:22)

9. How did the Egyptians get water to drink during this time? (7:24)

10. How would you feel if you went to get a drink and the water in the pitcher was stinky blood?

Application Sermon Questions

Lesson 7

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What was the first application point made in this lesson? 

2. What was the second application point made in this lesson? 

3. What was the third application point made in this lesson? 

4. What was the fourth application point made in this lesson? 

5. What was the fifth application point made in this lesson?

For additional ways to capitalize on the information in the chapter above, click the link below.

Home Church Worship Guide – Exodus 7

Reading Assignment


Within the following reading assignments, you will find a phrase-by-phrase study of the most famous homemaker in all of history – the Virtuous Woman from Proverbs 31. 

Holy, Happy Homemaker #2 

Proverbs 31:10 (NKJV) “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.” 

“Who can find…” – Evidently, exceptional homemakers have been rare throughout history. The Wise Man opens this intriguing exposé of the “Virtuous Woman” by suggesting that women of her quality are uncommon and must be searched out. 

This revelation prompts at least two conclusions: 

God’s people have always been unique (1Peter2:9) and it should not surprise the holy, happy homemaker that her assignment will take her outside the cultural norm. 

As the troubles of this fallen world persist, God’s excellence mustb e celebrated. Only by His blessing can we hope to shelter our families from this broken world. 

Make It Real Assignment: Add the following words to your list of homemaker qualities, “I am unique!”