Watch the “Lord’s Day Live!” and “The Joy of Doodling” videos then copy the following “Doodle Bible School,” “Application Sermon Questions,” and take a photo of your drawing for “The Joy of Doodling” class. Click the “Submit Answers” button below each set of questions and paste the questions into the email. Answer the questions and send them to us. Read “Why Your Family Needs to the Know the Biblical Timeline… ” then follow the same instructions to submit the “Biblical Timeline Questions.”

Doodle Bible School

Lesson 4

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What is the themes of Numbers 5 and 6?

2. Can you doodle the picture clue?

3. What type of vow is discussed in chapter 6? (6:2)

4. Can you quote the memory verse? 

5. Who was able to take the type of vow mentioned in this chapter? (6:2)

6. What was the person not allowed to drink? (6:3)

7. They were not even allowed to eat what from a grapevine? (6:4)

8. What were they now allowed to do with their hair? (6:5)

9. What were they not allowed to go near? (6:6)

10. Do you like grapes? What are 3 things you could not taste if you took this kind of vow?

Application Sermon Questions

Lesson 4

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. Who are 3 men in Scripture who took the vow of a Nazarite?

2. What was the first point from this lesson? (Numbers 6:4)

3. What was the second point from this lesson? (Numbers 6:5)

4. What was the third point from this lesson? (Numbers 6:7)

5. Why were these sacrifices necessary? (Numbers 6:8)

For additional ways to capitalize on the information in the chapter above, click the link below.

Home Church Worship Guide – Numbers 5
Home Church Worship Guide – Numbers 6

The Joy of Doodling Assignment

After following along with the video lesson and completing your drawing, please take a photo and use the link below to send it to us. You can also take a photo of your children, grandchildren, or Bible class group with their drawings and send it to us.

Reading Assignment
Lesson 4

3. Guarding Against Divorce 

Key #3 The Focus of Love Is on God, not Spouse 

The sign on the newlyweds’ car read, “We One!”

In II Corinthians 6:14, the Holy Spirit emphasizes the necessity of becoming partners with a person only if he or she shares your same spiritual values. An application to marriage can surely be seen here. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 

The word yoke is used in this passage to bring a picture to your mind. Just as two animals that are attached by a yoke will be miserable when pulling in different directions, so the life of a Christian will be made miserable if they are yoked to a non-Christian.  

Below is an illustration that I have used on many occasions to explain the focus of love in a marriage. The triangle relationship is without question the most stable and lasting relationship that a couple can ever hope to achieve in this life. When applied properly, this approach to marriage can unite two people so deeply that nothing, including death, can fully separate them. I call it “The God Glue!” It is the eternal adhesive. 

3. The Focus of Love is on God, not Spouse 

Many years ago, I said something to my wife that you might find surprising. I told her that she would never be number one in my life.  Actually, she told me the same thing. Without question, this has been the happiest resolution of our union. This acknowledgment is the key to making the “The God Glue” work successfully. No one can be at the top center position other than Christ—not children, spouse, or any other things that the world holds so dear. Christ must be the focus of the relationship. 

Notice the directions of the arrows in the illustration. They are not pointing from the man to the woman or from the woman to the man. That is the mistake couples have made since almost the beginning of time. The arrows point only in one direction—toward Christ. Lasting relationships are made in Heaven. 

Notice also that Christ is the goal. The closer the couple moves toward Him, the closer they move to each other. Once they arrive at a full relationship with Jesus, they also arrive at a full relationship with each other. Too many couples believe that the goal of marriage is to move closer to their spouse. That is a mistake! God is the glue! A common relationship with Him can seal your union better than any amount of research or marital counseling can ever hope to achieve. Move toward Christ. 

Jesus is the only element of a person’s life that is truly consistent and stable. People will always fail us, but Christ will always be true! Cindy and I love each other very much, but over the years we have disappointed each other in many ways. If the focus of our relationship had been on each other, we may have given up a long time ago. But, because Christ is the center of our relationship, human frailties do not distract us. We stay together because we are Christians. We made a promise to Christ long before we made a promise to each other.  

Cindy and I have one rule in our home about the word “divorce.” We do not talk about it, joke about it, or threaten with it. It is not an option! As Christians, we have a higher priority than each other. We serve Christ first. 

Marriage will always have its hurdles. Put Christ first, each other second, and your relationship will last!

Marital Blissters Questions

1. For a marriage to survive, what is the third thing that must be understood about the commitment of love?

2. Define the word “yoke.” How does it relate to marriage? 

3. Define the word “fellowship.” How does it relate to marriage? 

4. Ask your husband to make a list of his top five spiritual priorities. Without his help and without looking at his answers, make a list of your top five spiritual priorities. Compare your lists. Do they harmonize? 

5. Draw a triangle. Put numbers up each side and mark your level of spiritual zeal in comparison to your husband’s. Discuss positive changes that need to be made and how they can be achieved. What was your conclusion?