Watch the “Lord’s Day Live!” and “The Joy of Doodling” videos then copy the following “Doodle Bible School,” “Application Sermon Questions,” and take a photo of your drawing for “The Joy of Doodling” class. Click the “Submit Answers” button below each set of questions and paste the questions into the email. Answer the questions and send them to us. Read “Why Your Family Needs to the Know the Biblical Timeline… ” then follow the same instructions to submit the “Biblical Timeline Questions.”

Doodle Bible School

Lesson 6

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What is the themes of Numbers 9 and 10?

2. Can you doodle the picture clue?

3. How did the people of Israel know when to break camp? (9:17)

4. Can you quote the memory verse? 

5. What covered the tabernacle by day? (9:16)

6. What covered the tabernacle by night? (9:16)

7. What did Moses use to announce their departure? (10:2)

8. On what date did the people leave Sinai? (10:11)

9. After Sinai, where was the first place they made camp? (10:12)

10. What benefits might there have been to a cloud during the day, and a fire at night?

Application Sermon Questions

Lesson 6

Were you able to watch the entire lesson?

1. What situation prompted the discussion of Passover participation? (Numbers 9:6-7)

2. What was the first point of this lesson? (Numbers 9:10)

3. What was the second point of this lesson? (Numbers 9:10)

4. What was the third point of this lesson? (Numbers 9:14)

5. What was the sobering conclusion to this lesson? (Numbers 9:13)

For additional ways to capitalize on the information in the chapter above, click the link below.

Home Church Worship Guide – Numbers 9
Home Church Worship Guide – Numbers 10

The Joy of Doodling Assignment

After following along with the video lesson and completing your drawing, please take a photo and use the link below to send it to us. You can also take a photo of your children, grandchildren, or Bible class group with their drawings and send it to us.

Reading Assignment
Lesson 6

Guarding Against Adultery

Key #2 Affection Protection for a Woman

A man was in the middle of watching his third straight baseball game of the afternoon. Frustrated and feeling ignored, his wife planted herself in front of the large screen TV and demanded, “Play me, or trade me!” 

1 Peter 3:7
“Husbands… be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”

Few things can help a marriage survive better than a healthy dose of affection. But men and women often define this word in very different ways. To men, affection often brings to mind the acts that lead to intimacy. Women, on the other hand, take a very different view. Specialists estimate that 80% of a woman’s emotional needs are non-sexual. Unless this difference is recognized, enormous problems in a marriage can follow. Consider the three ways that men can fulfill their wives’ need for affection. 

1. Touch – An UCLA study revealed that women need at least 8 to 10 meaningful touches each day to maintain emotional stability. Men must understand that what they think of as a meaningful touch is often significantly different from that which a woman desires. Women need gentle caresses that are given, not to get something in return, but to communicate tender love. Consider the list in the box.

The following list was made by my wife, Cindy.
Men should memorize this list and give this type of affection to their wife every day. 

Hug me.
Hold my hand in public.
Kiss me on the cheek.
Sit close to me.
Put your arm around me in public.
Hold me.
Call me from work.
Take me out during lunch breaks.
Give me small gifts.
Write me love notes and poems.
Send me flowers and cards.
Compliment me at home and in public.
Tell me often how much you love me.

2. Talk – Whoever said “Talk is cheap” obviously did not know how valuable it could be to the success of a marriage. Therapists agree that poor communication skills lie at the heart of most marital stress. Take time to talk. 

3. Together – Perhaps nothing communicates affection better to a woman than simply spending time with her. Give her your undivided attention. Take her shopping. Go for a  walk. Rent a romantic movie and really try to enjoy it. There was a time when you wanted nothing more than just to be with her. Recapture that feeling. Look deep in her eyes and rediscover what it was that drew you to her in the beginning.

Marital Blissters Questions

Lesson 6

  1. Define the word “considerate” (1 Peter 3:7) and list three ways a husband can do this for his wife. Discuss this question and your answers with your husband.
  2. Define the word “respect” (1 Peter 3:7) and list three ways a husband can show this to his wife. Discuss this question and your answers with your husband.
  3. Discuss with your husband the words “weaker” and “partner” as found in 1 Peter 3:7. What do these words mean to each of you?
  4. According to 1 Peter 3:7, a man’s relationship with his wife affects his prayer life. Why is this so? 
  5. Since 80% of a woman’s emotional needs are non-sexual, how should this affect a man’s view of how he shows affection to his wife?